Grayson Perry The American Dream 2020

    Colour etching
    109.6 x 239.8 cm
    43 1/8 x 94 3/8 in
    Edition of 68

    ‘This is a map of how the Culture War rages online. I was thinking of Cold War propaganda maps showing the “Communist Threat” in the 1950s. The godlike figure at the top is Mark Zuckerburg, CEO of Facebook. I chose him because he is the best known face of social media power. Social media is mainly financed by advertising so those in charge want users to stay online as long as possible. The algorithms make this happen by encouraging conflict and outrage. The red arrows represent this feeding of negative emotion that keeps people scrolling. All the ships, planes and other combatants are labelled with the issues that swirl around this artificially polarised struggle. In the centre of the map is the presidential plane Airforce One colliding with a Russian bomber labelled “Climate Change”. When I made this print I thought that was the headline issue, but now I might have made the “Racism” helicopter and the “Black Live Matter” jet fighter more prominent. Hurricane “Woke” off the East Coast still seems very topical though.’ – Grayson Perry

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