Grayson Perry Aspects of My Sexuality and Gender Dressed Up as Colonial Settlers 2020

    Glazed ceramic
    51 x 51 x 4 cm
    20 1/8 x 20 1/8 x 1 5/8 in

    ‘Claire and Alan Measles in the style of early American folk art, togged out in nineteenth-century European clothes arriving in the “New World” to find a piece of land and start a new life. Problematic! In fact there are a lot of problematic elements to this innocent seeming work if you want to look for them. Have I drawn those flags with enough respect? Aren’t crossdressers just perpetuating unhelpful gender stereotypes? Teddy bears are a sentimentalisation of a noble wild animal and surely using an image of a child’s toy in a work about gender and sexuality is tantamount to paedophilia? Colonial settlers were stealing land from Native Americans and they might have been slave owners. They established a Eurocentric class system that still flourishes in the US today. The very style of this artwork reinforces the conservative world view that holds back innovative young artists. How dare I mock the brave pioneers by entangling them in my tawdry perverted fetishes. Etc etc etc.’ – Grayson Perry

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