Grayson Perry Morris, Gainsborough, Turner, Riley 2021

274 x 360 cm
107 7/8 x 141 3/4 in
Edition of 10 plus 2 artist's proofs

For this new design, Grayson Perry has combined imagery drawn from the history of English art, featuring work by William Morris, Thomas Gainsborough, JMW Turner and Bridget Riley. These works are not referenced outright; rather, they are digitally altered or adjusted, their colours and orientation changed, within the tapestry’s rich and layered textures.

About the artist

Born in Chelmsford, Essex in 1960, Grayson Perry lives and works in London. He has presented important solo exhibitions at institutions including The Holburne Museum, Bath (2020–2021), La Monnaie de Paris (2018–2019); Kiasma, Helsinki (2018); The Serpentine Galleries, London (2017); Arnolfini, Bristol (2017); ARoS Kunstmuseum, Aarhus (2016); Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht (2016) and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney (2015–2016). Curated exhibitions include the 250th Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy, London (2018) and The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman, British Museum, London (2011–2012).

Perry delivered The Reith Lectures, BBC Radio 4’s annual flagship talk series, in 2013. Other major projects include A House for Essex (permanent building designed in collaboration with FAT Architecture in 2015) and several Channel 4 television series including All In the Best Possible Taste (2013 BAFTA Winner), Who Are You? (2014 BAFTA Winner), All Man (2016), Divided Britain (2017), Rites of Passage (2018) Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip (2020) and Grayson’s Art Club (2020 and 2021). Perry has been awarded the Erasmus Prize 2021 by the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation.

Opening on 27 November 2021 at Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Grayson Perry: We Shall Catch it on the Beaches features works from the collection along with new works by the artist.

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